Reentry Forum

The ISCNY Reentry Forum are members of the ISCNY community who realize the need to service those Muslims who are returning to society from various lengths of incarceration. A background in criminology is useful and an understanding of societal and psychological impact on the individual is more valuable.

These community members are willing volunteers who see the redemptive qualities in the Islamic way of life and can express these values in a life changing dialogue.
Forum members will meet with formerly incarcerated Muslims to discuss/dialogue on issues relative to returning to societal living. Religious reinforcement of already learned practice consistent with societal religious norms. In addition, they may assess individuals for specific service and recommend referrals.

Monthly meetings should suffice at ISCNY or another appropriate location. Not more than two hours in length. Informal counseling or referrals can take place between the monthly meetings when needed.

There is a growing need to assist formerly incarcerated Muslims who are returning to the Central New York area. Many Muslims converted to Islam while incarcerated and need acceptance in the societal Muslim community to the same degree as their incarcerated camaraderie.

Returning individuals have spiritual, social and health needs. Their spiritual well-being should have priority. Maintaining attachment to the Masjid as a place of worship and knowledge will provide a wholesome environment that will delay reconnecting with former allies.

Frank forum discussions of criminogenic behavior to avoid further incarceration. This dialogue can identify barriers that could prevent a successful return to society. Use of special speakers to address crucial topics. Group as well as individual counseling when necessary

Forum members may act as a mentor to overcome unfamiliarity to the religious community and availability for advice. Use of empathetic listening will help in offering cogent advice. Group counseling on relevant topics with discussion when necessary.

Referrals for various services for a balanced life; for health, substance addiction, employment, housing, and social services.

Committee Members Will:

  • Welcome new faces in the Masjid
  • Inform them of programs and services

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